Saturday, December 24, 2005

Lane Courtesy! Where the hell did it go?

The two summers I coached bowling to teenage boys the first lesson was on lane courtesy. It does not matter if you can hook a ball 30 boards on an oil slick, without lane courtesy you are just an annoying bowler.

Lane courtesy extends beyond making sure you do not bowl if someone is on the lane to left and right of you. Courtesy is not standing on the lane waiting for your ball to come back. Courtesy is not eating a roast beef sandwich from the league holiday party while waiting in line to throw a practice ball. Just because it Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanza does not mean you can bring food down on the lanes.

Oh yeah! Let’s include under lane courtesy, your entire team never being anywhere near the lane when it’s your turn to bowl. And then when you are a good half game behind the rest of the league, you ask the one bowler who happens to make an appearance at a scoring table in the 10th frame when it’s not their turn to find their bowler who is up turns. They then turn around and make a comment to their teammate that mocks your team. To make sure she makes her rudeness clear to your team she goes to the bar to get a drink when it is her turn. When she finally does bowl she asks, “Was that quick enough?” Of course that is after she walks off the lanes with shooting her fill ball in the 10th frame. When you tell her you would like to be home at a decent hour, she quits and then stands in the back pouting.


Blogger drtew said...

I haven't league bowled recently, many of the problems you mentioned don't seem to be an issue in open bowling, except FOOD ON THE LANES. Management doesn't seem very interested in doing anything about it. I wonder how much of their income comes from people buying drinks and food versus fees for lanes and equipment.

8:51 AM  

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