Monday, January 09, 2006

Put Down the Cancer Stick and Bowl!

In many cities and states across the United States, a debate about smoke free work places rages on. Your local bowling center is one of those work places that the government is trying to make smoke free. I think it is about time. Many smokers feel their rights are being stomped.

It’s my right to be able to bowl in a league and not come home smelling like an ashtray. I do not have the right to run around the bowling center spraying bowlers with perfume. Why should my car smell like someone smoked all night it because I left my bowling equipment in it overnight? I do not have the right to place a dead fish in their car.

Besides the smell, there is the health issue. Why should one group of people be allowed to jeopardize another group of people’s health?


Blogger drtew said...

As a teenager (long time ago) I bowled a leage and always had problems with coughing due to the smoke. I recently started bowling again after my company published a bowling book (One Step to 200 pretty good, it helped me). I didn't realize until I read this that I haven't seen a single smoker in or near the lanes. A very welcome change.

I'm not sure if the change is due to the laws here (Oregon, USA) or if the culture has changed that much I would guess the laws.

8:47 AM  

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